Sunday 17 June 2012

This or That tag!

This or that Tag

As this is my first post on this blog I thought it might be nice to start of with a book tag, so here it is:
1. Audio or book in hand:
Defiantly book in hand, I like to see the words and language that the author uses, although I listen to the harry potter audio books if i can't sleep.

2. Soft cover or hardback:
Soft cover normally because they are lighter so i can put them in my hand bag. I like hard backs for brand new or very large books so there easier to hold.

3. Fiction or non-fiction:
Fiction because it allows you to be completely submerged into a story that could never be true.

4. Fantasy world or real life issues:
Fantasy normally, but i love Cathy Glass and Torey Hayden books.
5. Harry potter or twilight:
This is a no brainer, Harry Potter by far. i feel in love with the Harry Potter series when i was 8 years old and the books i have to thank for my love of reading.
6. Kindle, I-pad or other:
Kindle. I don't know how i managed before i had my kindle.
7. Borrow or buy:
Borrow if I'm near the library if not i will buy on my kindle.
8. Bookstore on online:
Online is so much cheaper but there is a small second hand book store in the local town so i will buy there sometimes to.
9. Tell me onetime or total trilogy:
It depends really if the story can be complete in one book if not then defiantly more than one book.
10. Monster read or short and sweet:
Monster read. i love having a really large story to read.
11. Starry eyed romance or full of action:
A romance that has some action in it. Although i do like a girly romance.
12. Curl up in your snuggie or bathe in the sun:
I burn at the thought of sun so curl up in my snuggie.

13. Hot chocolate or latte:
Hot chocolate

14. Read the review or decide for yourself:
Read the review until the spoilers then read the book and decide for myself.

Have you done this tag? If so feel free to leave the link to your blog or youtube channel in the comments.

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